This lab provides you basic understanding of neural network verification (NN-Verification).
(a) People found that adding some noise can fool a NN:
(This image is borrowed from this blog)
(b) for this NN, the verification can check:
We can formally define the above property:
(c) NN Verification guarnatees
given the above wanted property (which we call a specification) and the NN (the $f$), a NN verification can either say "pass", meaning the NN satisfies the property; or "fail", meaning the NN violates the preperty.
This is the same as Lab2. If you have done this, you can activate conda and skip this step.
$ conda create -n cs7670 python=3
: create an conda environment called "cs7670"$ conda activate cs7670
: activate this environment$ pip install d2l==1.0.0a1
: install necesssary packages from d2l (see$ pip install torch torchvision termcolor
: install PyTorch and a color printing package$ conda install ipykernel
: install IPython kernelClick the GitHub Classroom link that I sent to you to clone the lab.
Open a Linux terminal.
Clone Lab repo to your local machine.
$ cd ~
$ git clone
check contents:
$ cd ~/lab3; ls
// you should see
adversarial_img_1.png mnist.png nn-verification.ipynb nnveri.png
start your lab3:
$ cd ~/lab3
$ conda activate cs7670 # if you haven't
$ jupyter-notebook
This should open your default browser. Click the file named Lab3.ipynb
from termcolor import colored
def info(msg):
assert isinstance(msg, str)
print(colored(msg, "magenta", attrs=['bold']))
info("Active environment should be cs7670:")
! conda info | grep 'active env'
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
%matplotlib inline
The overall problem is to distinguish if a point (x1,x2) is in a circle. The center of the circle is (0.5, 0.5); the radius is 0.5.
Formally, "if inside the circle" is defined as if $(x_1-0.5)^2 + (x_2-0.5)^2 \le 0.5^2$.
We define a function that tells if a point is inside the circle.
def inside_circle(x):
assert len(x) == 2
return 1 if (x[0]-0.5) ** 2 + (x[1]-0.5) ** 2 <= 0.25 else 0
# to visualize the circle
def draw_circle():
circle = plt.Circle((0.5,0.5), 0.5, fc='white',ec="black")
You will train a NN:
# below we generate the training data randomly
# The training data include both positive and negative data
def gen_data(num):
xs = []
for i in range(num):
x1 = random.uniform(0, 1.5)
x2 = random.uniform(0, 1.5)
xs.append((x1, x2))
return np.array(xs)
xs = gen_data(2000) # TODO: feel free to generate more data for training
# to visualize the circle (ground truth) and training data
def draw_data(xs):
plt.scatter([x[0] for x in xs], [x[1] for x in xs], marker='.')
and ReLU
to define your network (a constraint introduced by our verifier)gen_data
will only generate xs
; you need to run insdie_circle()
to get ground truth labelsfrom d2l import torch as d2l
import torch
from torch import nn
class CircleData(d2l.DataModule): #@save
def __init__(self, xs, y_fn, batch_size=100):
self.batch_size= batch_size
self.n = len(xs)
ys = [y_fn(x) for x in xs]
self.X = torch.as_tensor(xs, dtype=torch.float32)
self.Y = torch.tensor(ys, dtype=torch.float32)
self.dataset =, self.Y)
def get_dataloader(self, train):
return, self.batch_size, shuffle=train)
class CircleModle(d2l.Module):
def __init__(self):
# TODO: your code here
def loss(self, y_hat, y):
# TODO: your code here
def configure_optimizers(self):
# TODO: your code here
# Notice: below I follow d2l stype; feel free to remove and use whatever you like to train the model
# TODO: tuning hyperparameters for better accuracy
model = CircleModle()
data = CircleData(xs, inside_circle) # create dataset
trainer = d2l.Trainer(max_epochs=100) # create trainer, data)
# we will have your **trained** pytorch network in "nn_circle"
# TODO: replace None to your model
nn_circle = None
Q: what's the "expected behavior"---which we call a specification---of this toy problem?
It should something like, "if a point is inside the circle, the NN should always return a value >=0.5".
Two partial correctness properties can be:
$\forall x \in ([0.7, 0.85], [0.7, 0.85]) \implies y\ge0.5?$ $y$ is the output of the NN.
$\forall x \in ([0.86, 0.9], [0.86, 0.9]) \implies y<0.5?$
(visually, this is what we mean:)
def draw_spec(x1_bound, x2_bound):
plt.plot([x1_bound[0], x1_bound[1], x1_bound[1], x1_bound[0], x1_bound[0]],
[x2_bound[0], x2_bound[0], x2_bound[1], x2_bound[1], x2_bound[0]])
draw_spec([0.7,0.85], [0.7,0.85])
draw_spec([0.86,0.9], [0.86,0.9])
One approach is that we can test the two properties by
You will first try this approach:
# below are some code to randomly generate testing data
def gen_test(num, x1_bound, x2_bound):
xs = []
assert x1_bound[0] < x1_bound[1] and x2_bound[0] < x2_bound[1]
for i in range(num):
x1 = random.uniform(x1_bound[0], x1_bound[1])
x2 = random.uniform(x2_bound[0], x2_bound[1])
xs.append((x1, x2))
return np.array(xs)
def net_test(net, testing_data):
counterexamples = []
pred_ys = list(map(net, torch.as_tensor(testing_data, dtype=torch.float32)))
ys = [inside_circle(x) for x in testing_data]
for i,x in enumerate(testing_data):
if (pred_ys[i].data >= 0.5) != (ys[i] >= 0.5):
return counterexamples
def check_ground_truth(x):
with torch.no_grad():
ret = nn_circle(torch.tensor(x))
gt = inside_circle(x)
info(f"net->{ret}; ground truth->{gt}")
# this is testing data for one property
testing_data = gen_test(10, (0.7,0.85), (0.7,0.85))
# to visualize testing data
# testing!
ret = net_test(nn_circle, testing_data)
if len(ret) == 0:
info("Pass! no violation found.")
info(f"Failed! failed cases: {len(ret)}/{len(testing_data)}")
check_ground_truth([0.7, 0.7])
check_ground_truth([0.85, 0.85])
# this is testing data for the other property
testing_data = gen_test(10, (0.86,0.9), (0.86,0.9))
# to visualize testing data
# testing!
ret = net_test(nn_circle, testing_data)
if len(ret) == 0:
info("Pass! no violation found.")
info(f"Failed! failed cases: {len(ret)}/{len(testing_data)}")
check_ground_truth([0.86, 0.86])
check_ground_truth([0.9, 0.9])
function# install the needed verification tools
!pip install auto-LiRPA
!pip install tqdm
from IPython.display import clear_output
from verifier import verify
Next, we use NN-Verification to check if the network truely satisfies the expected properties. Here is the interface of the verificaiton:
ret = verify(net, x_specs, y_specs, counterexamples=None)
: your pytorch networkx_spacs
: the inputs' specification in the format of [ [x0_lb, x0_ub], [x1_lb, x1_ub] ]
where x0_lb
represents lowerbound for the first dimesion of input x
) and _ub
means upper bound.y_specs
: the outputs' specification in the form of [ [y0_lb, y1_ub] ]
(when the output of our NN is 1-dim)counterexamples
: if you want to know how your networks fails, you should call verify(..., counterexamples=list)
; the failed cases are stored in counterexamples
.Below is an simple example:
x_specs = [(0.45,0.55), (0.45,0.55)]
y_specs = [[0.5, 10]] # y>=0.5, "10" here is an arbitrary large number
draw_spec(x_specs[0], x_specs[1])
cases = []
ret = verify(nn_circle, x_specs, y_specs, counterexamples=cases)
What's the output of the verification?
(probably by trying many inputs)# TOOD: try inference and convince yourself
check_ground_truth([0.5, 0.5])
Next, let's check the two properties:
$\forall x \in ([0.7, 0.85], [0.7, 0.85]) \implies y\ge0.5?$ $y$ is the output of the NN.
$\forall x \in ([0.86, 0.9], [0.86, 0.9]) \implies y<0.5?$
x_specs = [(0.7,0.85), (0.7,0.85)]
y_specs = [[0.5, 10]]
draw_spec(x_specs[0], x_specs[1])
# Check if this specification hold for your net
# TODO: your code here
# TODO: test if your fail any case
check_ground_truth([0.7562, 0.7562])
x_specs = [(0.86,0.9), (0.86,0.9)]
y_specs = [[-10, 0.5]]
draw_spec(x_specs[0], x_specs[1])
# Check if this specification hold for your net
# TODO: your code here
# TODO: test if your fail any case
check_ground_truth([0.8600, 0.8600])
MNIST is a dataset of handwritten digits.
MNIST has:
): an array (tensor really) of size (28,28)y
): an integer $\in [0,9]$, representing which digit the image representsMNIST examples are:
(the above fig is borrowed from this page)
# install package
!pip install torchvision
# prepare MNIST dataset
import torchvision
# download MNIST dataset
class MNISTData(d2l.DataModule): #@save
def __init__(self, batch_size_train, batch_size_test):
# training dataset
self.train_loader =
torchvision.datasets.MNIST('/tmp/', train=True, download=True,
(0.1307,), (0.3081,))
batch_size=batch_size_train, shuffle=True)
# should be used for test, but we used for validation (for simplicity)
self.test_loader =
torchvision.datasets.MNIST('/tmp/', train=False, download=True,
(0.1307,), (0.3081,))
batch_size=batch_size_test, shuffle=True)
def get_dataloader(self, train):
if train:
return self.train_loader
return self.test_loader
mnist_data = MNISTData(batch_size_train = 64, batch_size_test = 1000)
# Now, let's take a look at MNIST's input and output
def plot_mnist(x):
plt.imshow(x.view(-1,28,28).numpy().squeeze(), cmap='gray_r');
dataiter = iter(mnist_data.train_loader)
images, labels =
Next, let's train a NN that recognizes different nubmers! Again,
and ReLU
to define your network (a constraint introduced by our verifier)class MNISTModle(d2l.Module):
def __init__(self):
# [TODO: your code here]
# should takes in
# a 1D-tensor of 784 and
# produces 1D-tensor of size 10 = None
def forward(self, X):
# notice that we need to transform 2D-tensor to 1D-tensor
# namely, (28,28) => (784)
y = nn.Flatten()(X)
y = # you should define this
y = nn.Softmax(dim=1)(y)
return y
def loss(self, y_logits, y):
# [TODO: your code here]
# [hint: check out NLLLoss in pytorch]
def configure_optimizers(self):
# [TODO: your code here]
# Tain!
mnist_model = MNISTModle() # create your model
# dataset is mnist_data
trainer = d2l.Trainer(max_epochs=10) # create trainer, mnist_data)
Notice: this is not a comprehensive testing on the testing dataset (as in classic ML procedure)
dataiter = iter(mnist_data.test_loader)
images, labels =
for i in range(test_num):
y_hat = mnist_model(images[i]).argmax(1)
info(f"Your pridiction is {y_hat} ==? {labels[i]}")
For image classification problems, we call a network "robust" when changing the input image slightly will not affect the output (the label) of the network.
For example, your MNIST net should not change labels from "1" to "9" because of a minor change on one pixel.
Next, let's see if your trained net is robust.
# focus on one image
dataiter = iter(mnist_data.test_loader)
images, labels =
the_chosen_one = images[0]
ground_truth = labels[0]
# image robustness
x = nn.Flatten()(the_chosen_one)
def perturb_one_pixel(pixel_pos, delta):
assert pixel_pos >=0 and pixel_pos < 28*28
assert delta > 0
x_lower_bound = torch.clone(x)
x_lower_bound[0,some_pixel] -= delta # we change the value of one pixel on the pic
x_upper_bound = torch.clone(x)
x_upper_bound[0,some_pixel] += delta # we change the value of one pixel on the pic
return x_lower_bound, x_upper_bound
x_lb, x_ub = perturb_one_pixel(5, 0.5)
# visualize the difference
# testing if net still works
info(f"lower bound image: {}")
info(f"upper bound image: {}")
# you need to define x_specs
# notice that for MNIST, the x_specs should be
# - a list of size 784
# - each element in the list is a 2-tuple with the (lower bound, upper bound) of this pixel
# - in fact, all pixels' lower/upper bound will be the same, **except** the pixel your perturb
# TODO: your code here
# [hint: "torch.transpose()" and "tensor.tolist()" can be useful]
# print x_specs
assert isinstance(x_specs, list)
assert len(x_specs) == 28*28
assert len(x_specs[0]) == 2
For robustness, the canonical output specification should be:
) should always have the largest value...y[6] > all others
or y.argmax(1) == 6
However, our verify() interface does not suppor such expression.
So, you will use an interactive approach to make sure your network is robust for x_specs
It works as follows:
and x_ub
(see "3.1 Our verification interface: verify(net, x_spec, y_spec)").y_specs
that follows:6
, then y_specs[6][0]
(lower bound of 6th dim) should be greater than y_specs[i][1]
where i!=6
, the (lower_bound, upper_bound) should cover your network's outputs.y_specs
is not general; it is specific for your network and the x_lb
and x_ub
.A starting point is to create the y_specs
by getting the outputs of x_lb
and x_ub
and then use the average of each dimensions minus/plus some epsilon.
Then, you need to "fine tune" the y_specs
to make sure the ground truth label's lower bound is higher than the upper bounds of the others.
# inference the nets for x_lb and x_ub
with torch.no_grad():
y_lower =
y_upper =
# get avg output
y_avg_specs = (y_lower + y_upper) / 2.0
# a starting point of y_specs
epsilon = 0.01
y_specs = []
for i in range(len(y_avg_specs[0])):
y_specs.append([y_avg_specs[0,i].item() - epsilon,
y_avg_specs[0,i].item() + epsilon])
# TODO: design your y_specs
# verify specifications (x_specs, y_specs) for your mode (
# TODO: your code here
cases = [] # for conterexamples
# check if the result makes sense
if len(cases) > 0:
case1 = cases[0]
info(f"prediction output: {}")
The above verification is "toy" because we only perturb one pixel.
Below is a much more challenging task by perturbing many pixels all at once.
def perturb_all_pixels(x, delta):
assert delta > 0
x_lower_bound = torch.clone(x)
x_upper_bound = torch.clone(x)
for i in range(len(x[0])//2):
x_lower_bound[0, i] -= delta # we change the value of one pixel on the pic
x_upper_bound[0, i] += delta # we change the value of one pixel on the pic
return x_lower_bound, x_upper_bound
# creating challenging x_specs
x = nn.Flatten()(the_chosen_one)
x_lb, x_ub = perturb_all_pixels(x, 1)
and x_ub
and x_ub
to construct x_spec
# TODO: your code here