Link Search Expand Document Announcements 11/21: Lab6 released Lab6 is released and will due on 12/05. 11/13: Final Oral Exam Schedule Find the link of final oral exam on Canvas. Pick an empty 30-minute slot and write down your name. 11/10: Midterm grades and solution released Your midterm grades and midterm solution are released on Canvas. We will study midterm on the coming Tuesday (11/14), and you will see your exam in class. Please bring questions. 11/09: Lab3/4 grade released Lab3/4 grade released on Canvas. If you have questions, please send an email to the staff mailing list. 11/07: Lab5 released Lab5 is released and will be due on 11/20. 10/16: Instructor's office hours of week 7--9 will be online via appointments Due to visitors and travels, the Wed’s office hours in the following three weeks (week 7–9) will be held online and via appointments. Each appoint will be 15min on Zoom. To schedule one, send an email to the staff mailing list. 10/15: clarification of a starvation problem in La3 See the clarification here 10/12: Lab4 released Lab4 is released and will be due on 10/24. 09/28: Lab3 released Lab3 is released and will be due on 10/11. 09/21: survey (week1--3) Please help fill in a 5-question survey. The link is on Canvas. 09/18: office hour canceled The office hour on 09/20 will be canceled. Instead, you can schedule a 15min in-person meeting with the instructor before the next Wed’s office hour. To schedule one, send an email to the staff mailing list. 09/14: Lab2 released Lab2 is released and will be due on 09/27. 09/08: Lab1 typos and lottery table updated There were two typos in the instructions of lab1; see here lottery tableSee the state-of-the-art lottery table here (see also the schedule page) The lottery table does not include auditing students. Some students are automatically assigned. If you want to change your card, email the staff mailing list. 09/07: Lab1 released and lecture notes Lab1 is released and will be due on 09/13.You can find the lecture notes on the schedule page.