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03/17: Exam solution and Lab7 released

  • The exam solution is released on Canvas.
    • Review the provided answers and estimate your score.
    • Your official exam grade will be released on Canvas next Monday (03/31).
    • We will not return your exam. If there is a discrepancy between your estimated score and the posted grade, contact us.
  • Lab7 is released and will be due in two weeks (04/07/2025, 23:59).
    • This is the last lab. (finally!)
    • The instructor will go through the design of our file system in the next lecture.
    • You should get familiar with the lab before the lecture. (start early!)

03/17: Final project released

03/11: Sample exam and Lab6 released

  • We release a sample exam with solutions on Canvas.
  • Lab6 is released and will be due in two weeks (03/24/2025, 23:59).

02/27: recorded lectures released

  • All recorded lectures of virtual memory are released on Canvas.
  • Notes, a handout, and scribbles are released on the schedule page.

02/26: recorded lectures released

  • The first part of the recorded lectures is released on Canvas.

02/25: Lab5 released

  • Lab5 is released and will be due in two weeks (03/10/2025, 23:59).

02/23: Lecture Update for 02/24

  • The instructor has the flu and is experiencing persistent coughing. As a result, the lecture on 02/24 will not be held in person. Instead, it will be recorded and made available online once the instructor has recovered. Thank you for your understanding.

02/11: Lab4 released

  • Lab4 is released and will be due in two weeks (02/24/2025, 23:59).

01/30: Week5 office hour schedule change

  • The coming office hour originally scheduled for Monday (02/03) is rescheduled to Tuesday (02/04) at 2PM.

01/28: Lab3 released and failed printing of mtime (Week4 lecture)

  • Lab3 is released and will be due in two weeks (02/10/2025, 23:59).


In Week4 lecture, we failed to print the mtime value (8B) properly in C, with the helper function mtime_get(). We got either 0 or some random numbers.

unsigned long long mtime_get() {
    unsigned int low  = *(unsigned int*)(CLINT0_MTIME);
    unsigned int high = *(unsigned int*)(CLINT0_MTIME + 4);
    return (((unsigned long long)high) << 32) | (unsigned long long)low;

What happened?

This issue is due to using an incorrect format specifier for printf (or in the egos kernel, CRITICAL). The return value of mtime_get() is of type unsigned long long (8B), but we used %d (printing int, 4B) and %lx (printing long in hex, 4B). When printf meets a mismatch between format and type, its behavior is undefined, meaning the code can do literally anything.

Reproducing the problem

Want to reproduce this problem? Try the following code in grass.c:main():

unsigned long long a = mtime_get();      // use the above helper function

CRITICAL("%d (undefined behavior)", a);  // we did this in Week4 lecture
CRITICAL("%lx (undefined behavior)", a); // we did this in Week4 lecture
CRITICAL("%lx", (unsigned long)a);       // cast 8B to 4B
CRITICAL("%llx", a);                     // correct version

// print what has been stored on each byte
char *c = (char*)&a;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
    CRITICAL("[%d]: %x", i, c[i]);

01/18: no office hours on Monday (Martin Luther King Day)

  • If you want to reach out, please use Piazza for public questions and mailing list for private questions.

01/14: Lab2 released

  • Lab2 is released and will be due in two weeks (01/27/2025, 23:59).

01/12: office hours

  • Please find our office hours on homepage

01/06: Lab1 released

  • Lab1 is released and will be due in a week (01/13/2025, 23:59).

12/17: website created

Website created for spring 2025.