Cheng Tan

I am an assistant professor of Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. I’m part of Systems Research Group at Northeastern University.

I’m broadly interested in computer systems. I build systems that enable users to verify their outsourced services. In particular, my recent research includes:

  • verifying the execution of applications on untrusted servers,
  • verifying behaviors of black-box databases,
  • verifying neural networks for systems.

If you are interested in building systems, we should talk [c.tan (at)].


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About me

Before joining Northeastern, I worked as a research scientist at ByteDance AI Lab for a year. Before that, I got my Ph.D. from Courant Institute NYU advised by Michael Walfish, and my M.S. and B.E. from Fudan University and Nanjing University, respectively.

I was a student at NYU Systems Group. Before that, I was at IPADS advised by Binyu Zang and Haibo Chen, where I did research on mobile systems and system virtualization.